Richard Luchsinger と Godfrey E. Arnold 共著のドイツ初版 Lehrbuch der Stimme-und Sprachheilkunde. 1949年の1965年アメリカ版。



Contents からの抜粋
First Section
A. General Part
I. Physiology of Respiration  3
1. Purpose of Respiration  3
2. Description of Respiratory Movements (呼吸動作の種類)  4
a. Abdominal Respiration  4
b. Pectoral Respiration (胸式呼吸)  5
3. Methods of Respiratory Analysis (呼吸分析の方法)  5
a. Pneumography (呼吸記録法、肺撮影法)  5
b. Spirometry (肺活量測定)  7
c. Volumetry (容積測定)  7
d. Pulmonary-Function Testing (肺機能検査)  8
e. Quantitative Measurements (定量測定)  9
4.Types of Phonic Respiration (発音上の呼吸作用の種類)  11
5. Phonetic Breath Support  13
6. Respiration with Laughing  16

III. Phonetic Acoustics by Fritz Winckel  24
1. Acoustical Basis of Phonation (発声の音響学的基礎)  24
a. Elements of Acoustics (音響学的要素)  24
b. Theory of Voice Production by the Laryngeal Generator (喉頭発生器による声の生成原理)  25
c. Natural Vibration and Resonance (自然な振動と共鳴)  27
d. Acoustical Spectrum (音響スペクトラム)  30
e. Measurement Unit in Acoustics (音響に於ける測定単位)  33
2. Electroacoustic Equipment for Vocal Research (声の調査のための電子音響装置)  37
a. Electroacoustic Principles (電子音響原理)  37
b. Basic Equipment (基本装置)  40
3. Methods of Electroacoustic Voice Research (電子音響発声調査の方法)  42
a. General Principles (一般原理)  42
b. Special Instruments (特殊機器)  43

V. Physiology of Laryngeal Function (喉頭機能の生理学)  69
1. Historical Remarks (歴史的所見)  69
2. The Muscles of the Larynx  71
a. Innervation (神経支配)  71
b. Intrinsic Laryngeal Musculature (内因性喉頭筋組織)  72
c. The Vocalis Muscle (声帯筋)  72
d. The Cricothyroid Muscle (輪状甲状筋)  73
e. Extrinsic Laryngeal Musculature (外因性喉頭筋組織)
f. The Stylopharyngeus System (茎突咽頭筋)
3. Laryngeal Movements (喉頭の動き)  78
a. Movements of the Entire Larynx (全体的な喉頭の動き)  78
b. Vocal-Cord Tension and Shape of the Glottis (声帯緊張と声門の形状)  78
4. Vocal Resonance 81

VI. The Qualities of the Voice (声質)  84
1. Types of Phonation (発声のタイプ)  84
2. Vocal Attacks (起声)  84
3. Vocal Intensity and Swelling Tones (声の強度とスウェリング・トーン)  87
4. Vibrato, Tremolo, and Trill  92
5. Vocal Register  94
6. Vocal Range and Voice Types  99
7. Vocal Timbre (声の音質)  102
a. Open and Covered Singing  103
b. Yodeling  107
c. Ventriloquism (腹話術)  111
d. The Influence of the Throat Cavity on Vocal Timbre (声質への候腔の影響)  114
8. Whispering and Aspiration (囁き声と気息声)  118