FieldsTraining the Singing Voice, 1947 の比較研究の方法によって、1777年から1927年の間に出版された書物を対象とした著書。


List of Tables ...............iv

Acknowledgments ...............v

Guide to the References ...............vii

I   Introduction ...............1

II  Vocal Pedagogy ...............12

III  Breathing ...............46

IV  Phonation ...............71

V Resonance ...............102

VI  Range ...............128

VII  Vocal Dynamics ...............163

VIII  Ear Training ...............173

IX  Diction ............... 185

X  Interpretation ..............206

XI Outcomes of This Study (この研究の成果) ...............222

Guide to the Bibliographies ...............231

Annotated Bibliography ...............233

Chronological Bibliography ...............297

Bibliography of Secondary Sources ...............326

Appendix One:  Works Not Examined ...............329

Appendix Two: The Periodical Literature ...............334

Index ...............339