G. B. Lamperti の弟子であり、アシスタントとして、ランペルティの教えを Vocal Wisdom を通じて後世に伝えた。
Vocal Wisdom の出版以前にも、Musician 誌に数多くの論説があるが、Vocal Wisdom も断片に分けられ、同紙に掲載される。

[V. A. Fields, Training the Singing Voice p.273-274]
この本のある部分は、断片に分けられて ― コメントの有無にかかわらず ― 次の表題でMusicianの刊行物に続いて再版される。参考のためにここで一覧にする。

William Earl Brown, a teacher of singing for more than half a century, who had a residence and studio at 57 West Seventy-Fifth Street, died on Tuesday of a heart attack in Mount Sinai Hospital at the age of 82. He was active as a teacher and was at work on the manuscript of a book on his profession to supplement an earlier volume, “Vocal Wisdom.” Mr. Brown studied singing in Austria, Germany and Italy, his teachers including Lamperti. Suriving is a niece, Mrs. Kelsey Flower of Deerfield, Mass.  —NYtimes, May 17, 1945.